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Opportunities All Around Us!

Stephanie Odom

Hi All! It's been a while since our last blog post.  Hope everyone is well.  I wanted to update all of you on how my dad is doing and what all Father Daughter has been up to lately.  When we first started this venture it was to help my dad and I have something to do together but most importantly be a form of therapy for him and something he could be proud of.  The people that have been apart of growing this with us along the way are nothing short of angels and we are so thankful for them.  Once we started this and saw that my dad got back to himself (as much as possible) when he started sewing again the thought came to mind that if it helps him, why not others.  To hear him say  "Huh... Tell them someone with Parkinson's did that" not only brought tears to my eyes and almost make my heart about pop out of my chest, it made me realize that this is what we are suppose to be doing.   I can only speak on what my dad has told me that he "enjoys doing this" and" its helping him have a sense of accomplishment and pride again". We would love for others to feel that same way.  Our goal is not only to continue to make these one of a kind items but to also get more people involved with this and hopefully give others that same since of pride and accomplishment.  So STAY TUNED  to some new things we are working on to make that a reality.  

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up.                 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Pass the Pretty Blog on Father Daughter

Stephanie Odom

Shock.... we are late on a blog post... really late.  A work in progress everyone :).  

You guys have to check out Pass the Pretty!  These beautiful women have some very interesting and helpful topics for you to enjoy.  We feel very fortunate at Father Daughter that they wanted to do a fun blog about us.  Check out the blog and "What's In Stephanie's Bag"!  Snoop all around their site you will not be disappointed! Enjoy!

Dealing with Parkinson's from both sides!

Stephanie Odom

Today I've been working on Father Daughter items and it always seems to make me really want to dive in more and more to learning about this speed bump that is effecting my dad and our family.  I say speed bump because it's not something that is going to stop my dad but just slow him up a bit.  While working on the line today I came across a news flash that Robin Williams was in the early stages of Parkinson's.  Of course my mom must have seen it the same time I did because she calls me saying "did you see".  My family never really discusses things but rather goes into action to correct, so anytime the door opens to discuss it I take it.  It's always tears whenever this discussion starts because it's my daddy and he is the strong one and nothing ever get to him and he is never sick so seeing the effects this "speed bump" has on him is hard.  I see and hear the terrible situations some people with this disease are faced with such as depression and severe physical disabilities just to name two of so many and I am so grateful my dad is as healthy as he is.  I feel like we as family and friends sometimes don't realize the effect of how we rest and respond can make the one with Parkinson's feel.  Speaking from what my dad says he just wants people to treat him normal and not get frustrated and for him to feel needed.  This breaks my heart when I hear this.  I want nothing more than for my dad to feel needed and as strong as he always has been and is.  Parkinson's affects the family as well,  the pain of seeing our loved one go through this sometimes within us turns into frustration. While the person we love is going through this and having to re navigate their life, we in a different way are as well.  It's so important for us to talk and figure all of this out together and help one another.  Sometimes going into action is great but talking it through is as well.  To hear my moms voice shake when she speaks about it really hurts but at the same time puts a smile on my face.  To know that my dad and all of us are always taken care of makes me very thankful. Seeing two people through whatever life throws are locked hand in hand and tackling it together, give me inspiration, hope and much gratitude!